
Offer 100 out of 294 from 11/10/24, 12:59


Mer­ca­tor Rese­arch Insti­tute on Glo­bal Com­mons and Cli­mate Change (MCC) gGmbH - Klima

MCC Berlin is a scientific think-tank that combines high-level economic and social science research with a structured approach at the science-policy interface. We provide solution-oriented policy portfolios for climate mitigation, for governing the global commons in general, and for enhancing the many aspects of human well-being.

The Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) in Berlin is looking for a
Student Assistant (m/f/d)


For 10-15 weekly working hours with a focus on
Mechanism design for improving global public good provision

Working field:

The Working Group Economic Growth and Human Development (headed by Prof. Dr. Matthias Kalkuhl) aims to improve our understanding of how climate policy and public policy more generally can best contribute to improving human well-being. This student assistant position is to support a growing strand of our research which aims to develop, evaluate and optimize proposals for mechanisms to improve the provision of global public goods such as climate change mitigation and pandemic prevention.

An example of a set of interrelated research projects that the candidate could contribute to grows out of the proposed architecture outlined in this (very preliminary) draft of an overview. This architecture consists of two components: tax clubs and reward funds. Reward funds would pay out their available budgets to countries or private actors in a way that incentivizes emission reductions, carbon removal or other activities with positive global externalities such as vaccination and early detection of novel pathogens. Tax clubs would mobilize funding for such reward funds.

Key responsibilities

  • Literature reviews and topic-specific background research
  • Autonomous data preparation and utilization of existing simulation tools
  • Collaboration to further develop and extend these tools
  • Visualization of figures
  • Assistance with publication processes
  • Numerical solution of models
  • (optional) improving the write-up of mathematical proofs
  • (optional) developing new algorithms to efficiently solve mechanism design problems
  • (optional) develop and numerically implement ideas for empirically calibrating models


  • Strong background in economics, mathematics or computer science with excellent grades and completed Bachelor’s degree
  • Familiarity with some topics and methods in environmental economics, public economics, mechanism design or game theory is a plus
  • Working knowledge of programming languages such as Mathematica, Matlab or Python is a plus
  • High motivation to contribute to policy-relevant research in environmental and climate policy
  • High interest in teamwork and collaborative research
  • Organized and diligent work attitude
  • Very good understanding of English

What we offer:

  • An inspiring, international and interdisciplinary work environment in a leading academic think-tank on climate policy issues
  • Working in a dedicated, motivated and collaborative team with very supportive colleagues and a well-established research network
  • Attractive working space at the EUREF-Campus in Berlin Schöneberg
  • Flexible and family-friendly working time
  • Opportunity to select from a range of useful sub-projects, ranging from relatively easy routine work to demanding and highly creative work
  • Opportunity to contribute to an ambitious research agenda that aims to optimize for expected positive impact

The MCC values a collaborative working place environment that values diversity, tolerance, and equity. We aim to improve the share of women especially in leadership positions and especially welcome applications by women. You find more information on our equal-opportunity strategy here.

The MCC was founded in 2012 by Stiftung Mercator and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and since 2014 it is affiliated with the Technical University (TU) Berlin. Within a few years, MCC has established itself prominently in the climate policy research landscape, ranked as No. 1 of climate think tanks in Europe. For more information about the institute, please visit

How to apply:

We seek to start the position in December 2024. The position is initially funded until July 2025. Remuneration is according to TV-Stud III Berlin at 12.96 €/hour (gross). Please note that MCC will join PIK in January 2025, so TV Stud BB will apply (13.83 € with a BSc degree or 13.25 € without).

To apply, please, send an e-mail with the reference number SA_2024_8 to Mrs. Marianna Lozzi,, at your earliest convenience. Application is possible until 07.11.2024. Your application should include the following as a single PDF file:

  • Motivation letter (0.5 - 1 page), incl. preferred number of working hours and entry date
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Transcript of records

Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted for a job interview. For content-related questions you can contact Dr. Lennart Stern: