
Offre 170 sur 256 du 24/01/2025, 13:37


Max Planck Insti­tute for Human Deve­lop­ment - Center for Humans & Machines

The Cen­ter for Humans & Machi­nes con­ducts inter­di­sci­pli­nary sci­ence, to under­stand, anti­ci­pate, and shape major dis­rup­ti­ons from digi­tal media and Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence to the way we think, learn, work, play, coope­rate and govern.

Student Research Assistants to design Web-Experiments on Human-Machine Interactions


Seeking motivated Student Assistants for the role of ‘Experimental Interface Developer’

Working field:

The Center for Humans and Machines (CHM) at the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development in Berlin seeks Applicants as

Student Research Assistants to design Web-Experiments on Human-Machine Interactions

15-20 hours/week

The Center for Humans and Machines (CHM) at the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development in Berlin conducts interdisciplinary science to understand, anticipate, and shape major disruptions from digital media and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the way we think, learn, work, play, cooperate, and govern. Our goal is to understand how machines are shaping human society today and how they may continue to shape it in the future. The Center is comprised of an interdisciplinary, international, and diverse group of scholars, and a science support team.

To complement this team, we are looking for a motivated Student Research Assistant who is excited about working at the intersection of computer science and social sciences. Currently, we are looking for the following Student Research Assistant profile:

Profile ‘Experimental Interface Developer’: Design, develop, deploy, and maintain web-based experimental interfaces on human-AI interaction using a FastAPI, React, and MongoDB stack. You have experience with web development (HTML, JavaScript) and API design (RESTful).


Formal requirements:

  • Currently enrolled in a program at a German university related to experimental social science (e.g., psychology or economics), cognitive science, computer science, physics, or other relevant fields
  • Weekly in-person attendance at the institute in Berlin
  • Availability of at least 15 hours weekly

What we offer:

  • Pushing the frontier of the scientific understanding of human-AI interaction
    Get first hand experience of the scientific process, from idea generation over experimental design to data collection and analysis
  • Close collaboration with CHM researchers
  • Comprehensive onboarding and time to learn new skills in an agile environment
  • Possibility to contribute and realize your own ideas
  • The duration of the position is for at least 6 months and is coupled with your proof of enrollment and can be extended
  • Salary: 15,02€ / hour (for master's students) and 13,08€ / hour (for Bachelor's students)

The Max Planck Society strives for gender and diversity equality. We welcome applications from all backgrounds.

The Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals.

How to apply:

Please apply, including a CV without a photo and your latest transcript, via our career site on this page.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Applicants can expect to hear from the hiring team within two weeks.

The data protection declaration for the processing of personal data within the scope of your application can be found here: